This is the weekly digest for my Low Carb Nugget Podcast. In the latest episodes of the podcast, I reviewed the goals and plans for my upcoming keto diet reboot, considered the top three LCHF survival foods that are nutritious, shelf-stable and easy to find, and examined a recent study that found eating a modest amount of plant-based foods might help you live longer. Each title below links to the episode's show notes at … [Read more...]
Mice live longer, healthier on ketogenic diet, studies claim
A couple new studies find that a ketogenic diet promotes a longer, healthier lifespan. That's great, but the results have only been confirmed for lab mice. I've written about mouse-based dietary studies a few times over the years. None have impressed me much. Some have seemed quite odd. For instance, way back in 2011, I wrote a post entitled "Eating fish makes mice fat, study claims." Scientists fed some little rodents farmed raised salmon, and some the same diet without salmon, and found the … [Read more...]
This week’s nuggets: July 25-29, 2017
It's all about food in these three podcast episodes: macadamia nuts, avocados, and other low-carb goodies. Subscribe to the Low Carb Nugget through any of the following services: Apple Podcasts Google Play Music Stitcher TuneIn (With the Amazon Echo, use the command, “Alexa, play The Low Carb Nugget Podcast on TuneIn.”) … [Read more...]
A fat-added lunch
Eating a low-carb high-fat (LCHF) diet as I do, it isn't good enough to avoid or reduce carbohydrates in my meals. I also need to eat plenty of healthy, tasty, satisfying fat. Ideally, I want the grams of fat in my meals to out-number the grams of carbs and protein combined, and I want the carbs to be minimal. (See my post on the fat-burning quotient.) Often, that means I need to find a way to add some extra fat. Take my lunch yesterday, pictured below. The base is three ounces of canned … [Read more...]
No-filler salmon patties in coconut oil
Since salmon is a carb-free food, it should be easy to create a low-carb salmon patty, right? Just leave out other ingredients that would add carbohydrates. Easy-peasy. That's how I figured it in 2011 when I wrote one of the most popular posts on this blog: "No-filler salmon patties." The recipe presented in that post is about as simple as they get. It calls for a can of salmon, an egg, and two tablespoons of olive oil. Maybe some garlic powder. My new version is just as easy. I'm changing … [Read more...]
Eating fish makes mice fat, study claims
Just when you thought it was safe to feed salmon fillets to your pet mouse, along comes a study entitled, "Chronic Consumption of Farmed Salmon Containing Persistent Organic Pollutants Causes Insulin Resistance and Obesity in Mice." You have to wonder how many mice are chronically dining on salmon, farmed or wild. It's more likely that if a mouse fell in the water, a salmon would eat it. That would be a better meal than most farm-raised salmon ever get. It's hard to imagine the mouse winning … [Read more...]
My low-carb breakfasts
Often after I've told a friend or acquaintance about my low-carb way of eating, and explained that I no longer wheat, corn, rice or potatoes, one of the first questions I get is, "But what do you eat for breakfast?" Breakfast seems to be the carb-lover's favorite meal. I know my own breakfasts used to be carborific. My standard morning meal was cereal, milk, orange juice and coffee. I frequently added a slice or two whole-wheat toast with jam. Some mornings, I skipped the cereal and … [Read more...]
Low-carb brunch on a summer Sunday
I took a walk this morning, swinging around the city cemetery (always inspirational), and came loping home with an appetite. That, of course, is the rub for all those who think they can work-out to lose weight. The more you work, the hungrier you get. Having eaten a modest breakfast four-and-a-half hours earlier, I figured a low-carb brunch was in order. Here's what I made myself: Pictured are two eggs scrambled in coconut oil, a salmon patty, and five halved fresh strawberries. The salmon … [Read more...]
Keeping cool, low-carb style: simple salmon salad
When it's hot, most people like to eat light. Low-carb makes that easy. Lately, it's been hot all over, including here in Michigan. Locally, our temperatures have been in the 90s all week; today's high is predicted to be 98 degrees with a heat index of 110. If you live in Oklahoma or Texas, that may seem like a cool breeze to you, but up here, we aren't accustomed to temps in the upper 90s. After all, not only is Michigan a northern state, but it's surrounded by the largest bodies of … [Read more...]
Great foods for a low carb diet (part 4): salmon and sardines
Before adopting a low carb diet, the only canned fish I ever ate was tuna, mostly in the form of the classic tuna-salad sandwich. I still eat canned tuna, minus the bread, but because of two concerns, I restrict the amount. First, there is my concern about mercury in tuna. I'm not in one of the government's "high risk" groups for mercury consumption (pregnant women, nursing mothers, children), but I figure, why take chances? I buy only light tuna, which tests significantly lower for … [Read more...]