This is the weekly digest for my Low Carb Nugget podcast. In the latest episodes of podcast, I discussed solutions to problems big and small. Starting big, I looked at the idea of growing food indoors under artificial light as a way of feeding the world. Then I looked at the most recent research to find that eating lots of carbs and little fat won't extend your life, and may end it. Finally, on a personal level, I considered plans for continuing my blog, my podcast, and my LCHF journey. Each … [Read more...]
Great foods for a low-carb diet (part 6): pecans
The pecan: a low-carb, high-fat powerhouse Move over almonds, get outta here walnuts. When it comes to being a truly great low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) nut, the humble pecan has you both beat. On the key criterion of net-carbs (total carbs minus fiber), a single quarter-cup serving of pecans has only one. That's right. Naturally low-carb pecans (raw) have just one net-carb per serving (4 grams carbs - 3 grams fiber). That's a good start, but not the whole story. Almonds are also … [Read more...]
A fat-added lunch
Eating a low-carb high-fat (LCHF) diet as I do, it isn't good enough to avoid or reduce carbohydrates in my meals. I also need to eat plenty of healthy, tasty, satisfying fat. Ideally, I want the grams of fat in my meals to out-number the grams of carbs and protein combined, and I want the carbs to be minimal. (See my post on the fat-burning quotient.) Often, that means I need to find a way to add some extra fat. Take my lunch yesterday, pictured below. The base is three ounces of canned … [Read more...]
No-filler salmon patties in coconut oil
Since salmon is a carb-free food, it should be easy to create a low-carb salmon patty, right? Just leave out other ingredients that would add carbohydrates. Easy-peasy. That's how I figured it in 2011 when I wrote one of the most popular posts on this blog: "No-filler salmon patties." The recipe presented in that post is about as simple as they get. It calls for a can of salmon, an egg, and two tablespoons of olive oil. Maybe some garlic powder. My new version is just as easy. I'm changing … [Read more...]
Of mice brains aflame and other travesties
A note to the editors of ScienceDaily -- this is what a high fat human diet looks like. Or it might look like a plate of scrambled eggs with bacon, or a green salad with cheese, avocado, and black olives. What a high-fat human diet does not look like is that pile of buns, pizza, french-fried potatoes, and onion rings that you used to illustrate your story about a recent mouse study. The collection of carbs shown in your photo would choke a moose, never mind a poor little mouse. Oddly, … [Read more...]