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Study: low-carb diet reduces food cravings
A study in The FASEB Journal (which, as you probably know, well-read person that you are, is the Official Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology) finds that consuming a low-carb, high-fat diet is "associated with reductions in cravings for all food categories." The researchers define a craving as "an intense desire to consume a particular food that is difficult to resist." … [Read more...]
A day in my low-carb life: May 2017
It's been a while since I recounted a day of low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) eating. Granted, only an LCHF beginner would find such a post interesting and/or useful, and even that may be wishful thinking on my part, but taking a close look at what I'm doing diet-wise is a major purpose for the blog -- at least from my point of view. If nothing else, writing down what I'm eating makes me pay attention to the process. So here goes. … [Read more...]
Lacto-vegetarian lunch — oh my!
Working from home today, I put together a meatless lunch. It consisted of fresh avocado, hummus, mushrooms, and full-fat yogurt with blueberries. The yogurt had active cultures (probiotics), which are something I want to get into my diet more. Here's the nutritional breakdown for the food shown in the photo: Calories = 314 Fat = 23g Carbs = 24g Fiber = 9g Protein = 8g It was a low-cal lunch. Most days, I eat 400 or more calories for lunch. The question is, are 300 calories enough to sustain … [Read more...]
My low-carb week in review: March 15-21, 2015
It was a good week. I kept my daily averages to 34 net carbs and just under 2,000 calories, with 73% of my calories coming from fat, all identical to the week before. (If nothing else, I'm consistent!) As a result, I lost almost two pounds. My weight dropped from 229 to 227.2 pounds. For my low-carb reboot, now entering its third week, I'm down 4.8 pounds. There were a couple challenges. On Thursday, we ate out at our favorite Chinese restaurant in the area, which had been closed a year … [Read more...]
My low-carb week in review: March 8-14, 2015
The table here shows my average daily intake of fat, carbs, and protein for the week of March 8 to March 14, 2015. This was the first full week of my low-carb reboot. Not that I ever stopped eating a reduced carbohydrate diet in general, but I 'd gotten a bit lax and allowed some "carb creep." I was probably eating excessive protein, too. As a result, my weight loss that began in 2011 had stopped and then reversed itself. I'd gone from a low of 207 pounds in early 2012 back up to 232 pounds. … [Read more...]
Progress report: 10-30-11
Nearly two months have passed since my previous Progress Report on September 5, so it's time for another update. During September/ October, I've continued losing weight despite a stall that lasted a few weeks. My current weight of just under 211 pounds represents a four-and-a-half pound loss since early September. My total loss since I began eating low-carb in March 2011 is 49 pounds -- 18.8% of my starting weight. My waist-line continues to shrink. The size-40 pants I bought around Labor Day … [Read more...]
Leveling off is aggravating
Sooner or later, it seems to happen to every dieter. After a period of steady, or even spectacular, weight loss, the downward trend halts. You have landed on a plateau. Weeks go by, and the needle on the scale refuses to budge. This appears to be my situation. Back on August 27, I weighed 216.8 pounds. Yesterday, September 17, I weighed 215.6 pounds -- up a few tenths from the previous week. Granted, it isn't much of a plateau -- yet. I've read of others who have been stuck at a weight … [Read more...]
Obesogenic: a new word for an old idea
A commentary by Jane E. Brody in yesterday's New York Times has a promising title: Attacking the Obesity Epidemic by First Figuring Out Its Cause. You have to admit, there's logic in that approach. There's logic, too, in Brody's central claim that we live in an environment that encourages, or at least enables, frequent eating and discourages, or at least enables the avoidance of, exercise. But is that environment "obesogenic" as Brody and some of her sources claim? Does the modern world … [Read more...]
Big lunch can be dinner, too
It's funny how after you've been eating low-carb for a while, you look at food differently than you did before. Looking over the high-calorie entrees pictured in the Xtreme Eating Awards 2011 (PDF file) from the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), I notice the carbs first, which come in the form of bread, buns and fries. There's also a pasta dish and a porterhouse steak accompanied by a big serving of mashed potatoes. The accompanying text from the CSPI focuses on the … [Read more...]