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This week’s nuggets: July 11-15, 2017
On the podcast this past week, I discuss the benefits of eating low carb for teeth and gums, more good news for coffee lovers, and the biggest risk factor for heart disease (which pills don't help you with). Subscribe to the Low Carb Nugget through any of the following services: Apple Podcasts Google Play Music Stitcher TuneIn (With the Amazon Echo, use the command, “Alexa, play The Low Carb Nugget Podcast on TuneIn.”) … [Read more...]
A low-carb dieter’s blood test results (updated)
When I first began eating my low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet, and losing pounds and inches around the middle, I encountered the occasional nay-sayer -- someone who was sure all that fat in my food was going to clog up my arteries and kill me dead, sooner rather than later. I've escaped that fate for six years. Indeed, within a few months of starting my low-carb diet, I had significantly reduced my belly-fat, and my blood-pressure. Those were powerful indicators that I was improving my odds … [Read more...]
Cholesterol myths: free e-book
"Anyone who reads the literature in this field with an open mind soon discovers that the emperor has no clothes" -- Uffe Ravnskov. Noted Scandinavian cholesterol skeptic and author Dr. Uffe Ravnskov has made his first book on the subject free online and as an e-book download. Not only does Dr. Ravnskov make the entire book text available on his website, but he also provides a link to Smashwords where readers can download free copies as Kindle, epub, or pdf files. In this 2002 critique, the … [Read more...]
Exploring the HuffPo: Sugar, Paleo and Plaque
Man does not live by steak-and-eggs alone. Woman either, from what I can see. Having consumed plenty of editorial red-meat in recent days, I decided to venture beyond the low-carb blogosphere this weekend to see who else was writing about diet and health. There was bound to be somebody. I ended up at the Huffington Post. All Internet roads seem to lead there. The HuffPo (as we insiders call it) is the New York Times of the Digital Age, except that apparently the HuffPo doesn't pay its … [Read more...]