The drop wasn't pronounced or dramatic, but I did lose a couple pounds over the course of "Bust the Stall" Week. I finally got off the 219 pound plateau last Wednesday, and then stayed below it for the rest of the week. I lost weight on a majority of days. The numbers in the table aren't telling me a lot beyond that, but it does seem that I need to keep my daily total carbs and net carbs under 55 grams and 35 grams respectively. I gained weighed after every day where my carbs were higher. My … [Read more...]
A new plateau? Not if I can help it!
Yesterday I consumed 2,086 calories, with 69% coming from fat. I had 58 grams of carbs, including 20 grams of fiber, and 113 grams of protein. Overnight and this morning, I went 12 hours without eating. Still, I didn't expect much weight loss, maybe a tenth of a pound. Or I'd at least hold even. Instead, I gained two-tenths of a pound. My weight this morning was 218.2, up from an even 218. Admittedly I didn't do much of anything you could call work or exercise yesterday. But a man of my … [Read more...]
My LCHF week in review: June 28 – July 5
Starting weight = 220.2 lbs. Ending weight = 220.2 lbs. [Correction: I've discovered one incomplete day in my food log for the period covered in the above table. Thursday, July 2, I recorded no foods after lunch, but am positive I ate dinner! Probably a snack, too. So my best guess is that I ate an additional 500 - 600 calories that day. Therefore, my daily average calories was higher than is shown, though still under 1,700 per day. In other words, still low!] If my goal were to maintain my … [Read more...]
Fat governors, fat taxes, and me
I've had trouble deciding on the topic for this blog post. This is a sure sign that someone is taking his blogging too seriously. When I started out, any post with the words "low carb" in it was good enough. Good enough for me, anyway, if not my readers. But in the early days, I didn't have any readers. (The way this post is going, that could come to pass again.) Enough stalling. Let's get down to picking a topic. What has been the big food, diet, weight or nutrition news of the last few … [Read more...]
Leveling off is aggravating
Sooner or later, it seems to happen to every dieter. After a period of steady, or even spectacular, weight loss, the downward trend halts. You have landed on a plateau. Weeks go by, and the needle on the scale refuses to budge. This appears to be my situation. Back on August 27, I weighed 216.8 pounds. Yesterday, September 17, I weighed 215.6 pounds -- up a few tenths from the previous week. Granted, it isn't much of a plateau -- yet. I've read of others who have been stuck at a weight … [Read more...]