Monthly Newsletter Starting October 31, 2017, I'll be publishing a once-a-month newsletter from this site. Like my blog and podcast, the newsletter will feature news, views, links, and information for the low-carb diet community. Unlike my blog and podcast, the newsletter will come straight to your email inbox on the last day of every month. Expect humor, wit, and sarcasm (when deserved). Updates on my life and waist circumference. Recipes. Oh, and from time to time, the newsletter will … [Read more...]
Net carbs vs. total carbs (LCN 66)
Total Carbs - Fiber = Net Carbs Low Carb Nugget 66 Math to the rescue? Net carbs are the difference between total carbs in a food and the fiber. The idea is that fiber doesn't do much if anything to raise your blood glucose, so you can safely ignore it. Keep your net carbs low, and you'll keep your blood glucose and insulin response low. Then your body can burn fat. But can you trust net carbs as a guide for eating? … [Read more...]
Control what you can
Weight control vs. diet control No one has direct control over their body weight, percentage of body fat, or waist circumference. Indirect control, maybe, but not direct control. For example, you can't tell your body "lose five pounds" and expect it to obey. You can't wake up and decide your waist-size for the day will be 36 inches. Sure, you could decide to pull out size-36 pants, and try to squeeze into them, but that doesn't mean you'll be able to. … [Read more...]
Intermittency in diet (LCN 65)
Intermittency: a dietary change-of-pace Low Carb Nugget 65 When it comes to diet, "intermittency" means making frequent, significant changes in how much you eat. You need to throw your body a dietary change up, and not let it adjust to a single continuous level of intake. (Programming note: I won't be releasing an episode of this podcast on Saturday, October 7th. Just two nuggets this week.) … [Read more...]
Super simple low-carb pancakes
The need for super simple low-carb pancakes People new to the LCHF diet and life-style often miss their customary carb-laden comfort food. Personally, I think the best approach is to move on, embrace your new way of eating, and not try to recreate in low-carb form all the breads, pastas, and baked goods you used to enjoy. But a few exceptions may be good for your morale, and not hurt your carb count much or at all. … [Read more...]
The mystery of weight loss (LCN 64)
Looking for patterns in weight loss and consumption Low Carb Nugget 64 The main lesson of my diet so far is that weight loss is a complex and perplexing topic. It's one of the great mysteries of life. But if a method is working for you, stick with it. … [Read more...]
What’s a reasonable weight loss rate?
Week One Report I ended the first week of my Keto Diet Reboot down three pounds. On Monday, September 25, I weighed in at 227.5 pounds. On Sunday, October 1, I weighed 224.6 pounds. So, to be precise, I lost 2.9 pounds. But hold on -- Monday morning to Sunday morning isn't quite a week. It's 144 hours. There are 168 hours in a week. One more full day. … [Read more...]
Intermittent feasting for weight loss (LCN 63)
Feast, fast, or something else? Low Carb Nugget 63 A study out of Australia suggests that breaking up a calorie-restricted diet with periods of increased eating (relative feasts) could produce better results for weight loss. Researchers at the University of Tasmania reported their findings in the International Journal of Obesity. What exactly were the findings and what might they mean for those of us on a low carb, high fat diet? … [Read more...]
First, cut the carbs
Early weight loss I'm five days in to my Keto Diet Reboot, and feeling fine. The pounds are melting away -- two of them, so far. At my weigh-in this morning, I tipped the scales at 225.6 pounds. That's about what I weighed in May of this year, so I'm not too excited. In fact, for the next 20 pounds, I'm just going to be losing fat pounds that I've already lost one or two times over my years of LCHF living. That's how it is in the real world. But I've never come close to regaining ALL the … [Read more...]
Optimal protein (LCN 62)
Optimal protein on an LCHF diet Low Carb Nugget 62 There's a difference between minimal protein intake and optimal protein intake. The minimum daily requirement for an inactive adult is 0.36 grams per pound of body weight. You can live on that. But more is probably better, even for the sedentary. The goal is not just to survive, but to thrive, and that means eating an optimal amount of all nutrients, including protein -- not too much, and not too little. So how much protein is … [Read more...]