Yesterday I consumed 2,086 calories, with 69% coming from fat. I had 58 grams of carbs, including 20 grams of fiber, and 113 grams of protein. Overnight and this morning, I went 12 hours without eating. Still, I didn't expect much weight loss, maybe a tenth of a pound. Or I'd at least hold even. Instead, I gained two-tenths of a pound. My weight this morning was 218.2, up from an even 218. Admittedly I didn't do much of anything you could call work or exercise yesterday. But a man of my … [Read more...]
A small reversal
I dislike weighing myself every day. It's a bit obsessive, and shows a lack of patience. Also, you're bound to be disappointed often. Even when your long-term trend is downward, your weight will bounce up many days. Why? I don't know why. Most people think it has something to do with shedding or retaining water. All I know from my personal experience is that the "calories in/ calories out" model doesn't explain weight change. Anyway, I'm weighing myself every day this week because I've … [Read more...]
Calories up, fat up — weight down
OK, this is more like it. Yesterday (Monday, July 6) I consumed 2,400 calories, with 73% coming from fat. That's about 800 more calories than I consumed on an average day during the previous week. Today my weight is 219.4 pounds, down eight-tenths of a pound from yesterday. I don’t put much stock in a one-day weight loss. In fact, as a regular reader of this blog knows, I have made a point of NOT weighing in every day. I even have my doubts about a weekly weigh-in. But I am pleased that … [Read more...]
My LCHF week in review: May 24 – May 30
Starting weight = 220.4 lbs. Ending weight = 219.4 lbs. It was a reasonable LCHF week for me. I lost a pound, even though my average daily calorie count was higher than the previous week when I gained a pound. My average daily calories weren't just slightly higher, either. The numbers were 1,805 vs. 1,673 -- or +132 (8%) per day. My activity level didn't change. So much for calories in / calories out (at least for this guy and this week). (I admit my activity level needs to increase, but not … [Read more...]
My LCHF week in review: May 17 – May 23
Starting Weight = 219.2 lbs. Ending Weight = 220.4 lbs. I gained back a pound this week. (OK, 1.2 pounds, but if you were a true friend, you'd let me say "a pound" and leave it at that.) How did this happen?! The average daily intake statistics provide an explanation. My percent of calories from fat dropped by about 5% and my percent of calories from carbs increased by the same amount. But how did that happen? Easy -- I let it happen. In fact, I did it deliberately. I was conducting … [Read more...]
My Ketonix has arrived (updated)
Unboxing of my Ketonix 2015 I opened the mailbox today to find that my Ketonix 2015 Blue had arrived from Sweden. The arrival of a new gadget is always a cause for celebration. In this case, I was also relieved. I ordered the Ketonix via the company's website on April 23, selecting the regular "letter" type shipping, so I figured it would take a while to get here. But as the days, and then the weeks, went by, I started to wonder. It's a long way from Sweden to Michigan (as my great great … [Read more...]