On the menu this week: hot dogs ice cream dark chocolate Subscribe to the Low Carb Nugget through any of the following services: Apple Podcasts Google Play Music Stitcher TuneIn (With the Amazon Echo, use the command, "Alexa, play The Low Carb Nugget Podcast on TuneIn.") … [Read more...]
Is red meat guilty by association? Some at Harvard think so
The Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) giveth to the low-carb community, and it taketh away. In late June 2011, the HSPH published a study singling out potatoes as a particularly fattening food, especially in the form of french fries. Having sworn off fries forever as part of my low-carb way of eating, I applauded the brilliance of the findings. I also liked the general conclusion that all calories are not equal when it comes to packing on pounds. Now I'm wondering what could have caused … [Read more...]
No hot dogs here
July 4, 2011 Listen to this post. Every 4th of July we gather to celebrate a special birthday — that of my father-in-law, Frank. ("Let me be Frank with you" is his self-introductory joke, and he has plenty to follow it.) He was born on this date in Italy in 1922. When my wife and her many siblings were small, they believed that the Independence Day fireworks were meant to honor their dear papa. Frank readily encouraged this belief. For the last five or six years, the party menu has revolved … [Read more...]