Last updated on August 6th, 2011
On May 7, I set a weight goal of 215 pounds by Labor Day 2011. At that time, I weighed around 241 pounds. Yesterday, I weighed in at 227.6 pounds. So in the past two months I have lost 13.4 pounds on my low-carb way of eating.
The pace has slowed. In the first two months of low-carb eating, I lost about 19 pounds. Nevertheless, I am on schedule to meet my Labor Day weight goal, perhaps with time/ pounds to spare.
Frankly, weight loss is a secondary issue for me. More important is overall health, and related to that is the circumference of my waist. I’m sure most people have seen the medical warnings about carrying fat around the middle, which is associated with heart disease and type-2 diabetes. Before starting my low-carb program, I was wearing pants with a 46-inch waist — and these were usually “relaxed fit” slacks with a stretchy waist-band. Which I stretched. Last week, I bought a couple pairs of 42-inch slacks. I was able to get into and close a pair of 40-inch pants, but they were a little too tight for comfort.
My immediate waist circumference goal is 38 inches, and eventually 36 inches. I can’t remember ever having a 36 inch waist as an adult.
Research has shown that for men a waist circumference greater than 37 inches (94 cm) is associated with type-2 diabetes. However, the NIH still sets the waist-circumference risk zone at greater than 35 inches for women and greater than 40 inches for men.
At the end of August, I am scheduled for my annual physical exam. I have had borderline high blood pressure in the past, and last year the doctor was concerned about my HDL (“good” cholesterol) level being too low. I have never taken any medication for blood pressure or cholesterol. I expect my HDL to have improved, and my blood pressure too. But we’ll see.
Anyway, I’m getting there. My weight and waist-line are going down, and I feel great.
How am I doing it? Low-carb all the way, baby! Over the last two months, I have eaten an average of 1,790 calories per day. About 61% of those calories have come from fat, 28% from protein, 10% from carbohydrates and 1% from alcohol. I have averaged 30 net carbs per day (total carbs minus fiber). I take a multi-vitamin every day. I drink plenty of water, and get moderate exercise (mostly from walks and chores such as mowing the lawn). I could probably use more sleep. I average around six hours a night, and almost never sleep more than six-and-a-half hours. But that was true before I started my low-carb regimen.
I’ll publish another progress report in a month, and then another on Labor Day.
You’re doing great!!!! Keep up the good work, as they say. you’ll get there……………………..