Send up the sky-rockets! My “Keto Diet Reboot” has produced a one pound weight loss.
Well, sort of. After the first day, the scale showed a half-pound gain. Then, after the second day, the scale showed a one pound weight loss. So, for the duration, I’ve lost a net of a half-pound.
It’s a start, I guess. I’m not putting much stock in it yet.
Was it water weight or body fat that I lost over-night? Or lean muscle?
I don’t know. A month or so from now, maybe I’ll know. By then, I’m expecting my clothes to get a little looser. The real test will be my waist-circumference, which needs to shrink from the 41 inches I’m starting with.
Here’s my macro-nutrient consumption in grams (plus total calories) for the first two days:
DAY | Fat | Net Carbs | Protein | Calories |
9-25 | 175 | 15 | 80 | 1,954 |
9-26 | 142 | 16 | 82 | 1,697 |
I’m basically meeting or exceeding my targets, except that my fat consumption and total calories were a little low on the second day. I’m aiming for at least 160 grams of fat per day, and around 1,900 – 2,000 calories. What happened is, I ran out of protein allowance, and wasn’t ready to bite into a stick of butter.
Still, I’m eating what I consider to be a healthy ketogenic diet.
Some of the specific foods I’ve eaten include butter, coffee, cream, sharp cheddar cheese, coconut oil, beef steak, eggs, sardines, cauliflower, avocado, tomatoes, spinach, nuts, and lettuce. The usual suspects, yes, but with some adjustments in the amounts. For instance, I’m usually eating just two eggs at a time, instead of three or four, and am being very careful with nuts — only a few almonds in a salad, and a single-serving of macadamias in a snack. (Macadamias are great — low-carb, low-protein, and high-fat. The perfect food for this diet. So imagine my horror on the first day when I went to the pantry and discovered I was all out of macadamias. I usually buy a large canister at Costco, at half the price in the local grocery stores. But in the emergency, I paid top dollar.)
Today, I’m throwing a little dark chocolate into the mix! The kind that’s 90% cocoa.
One of my go-to main dishes is a two-egg omelette, usually with cheddar cheese inside, and sometimes accompanied by bacon or avocado. Or garnished with salsa, as shown below.
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