In my low-carb, high-fat reincarnation, I find myself cooking more and trying new dishes. No longer can I slap ham and cheese between whole-wheat bread, garnish with potato chips, and call it lunch. A bit of creativity is in order. But only a bit. I am a simple man. My method as both a cook and a writer is the same: I simplify. As a writer, I compose a sentence, and then go over it to remove words. I’m hell on adjectives and adverbs. Call it the “blue pencil” approach (or maybe the "Twitter … [Read more...]
My low-carb week in review: April 5 – April 11, 2015
In dieting, as in most areas of life, averages can be deceptive. Take my daily averages of calories and net carbs consumed for last week -- 1, 831 and 39 grams respectively. And 72% of calories from fat. Not bad, not bad at all. Those averages imply a low-cal, low-carb consistency over the seven days, a steely resolve to eat the right way every day. Like I said, averages can be deceptive. On Thursday, I ate a single meal at Applebee's that ballooned my day's calories to almost 2, 600. My net … [Read more...]