For the sake of argument, let's say that a granola bar by itself is "wholesome." Is it still wholesome after you dip it in fudge? Traditional fudge is made with sugar, milk and butter. I don't see butter and milk listed in the ingredients of the Keebler Granola Fudge Bars, but among the listed ingredients are sugar, brown sugar syrup, corn syrup, and hydrogenated and/or partially hydrogenated oils. If the granola bars are truly wholesome to start with, as Keebler claims in its ad … [Read more...]
Exploring the HuffPo: Sugar, Paleo and Plaque
Man does not live by steak-and-eggs alone. Woman either, from what I can see. Having consumed plenty of editorial red-meat in recent days, I decided to venture beyond the low-carb blogosphere this weekend to see who else was writing about diet and health. There was bound to be somebody. I ended up at the Huffington Post. All Internet roads seem to lead there. The HuffPo (as we insiders call it) is the New York Times of the Digital Age, except that apparently the HuffPo doesn't pay its … [Read more...]