Last updated on April 12th, 2017
My plan for the holiday season was to relax, enjoy myself, but try to hold my own. Generally, I succeeded. True, I gained three pounds for the month of December. However, I also ate cookies, cake and a few other things that don’t fit into a regulation low-carb, high-fat diet.
I’m not much for dietary regulations.
Overall, I kept my carb intake under control. The 70 grams of total carbs a day is high for me, and probably explains why I put on a little weight. But my net carbs a day was a reasonable 51 grams. It was a low-carb regime, but not a ketonic regime.
The key number is probably my daily percentage of calories from fat. Sixty-five percent is not a great number for me, at least not for weight loss.
Well, it’s a new year, and we’ll see how things go from here. I have an annual physical exam coming up in early February. I am curious to see the results of the blood work from that.
Hi Jim
Just wanted to share my holiday season experience which tracks yours quite closely (along with similarities in demographics and weight etc). My weight plateaued and then ticked up (not surprising given the season and travel to Japan where there are carbs as a staple in the ubiquitous rice). Although limiting my rice intake I did discovery the delicious pleasures of cafe breve (half and half milk and cream latte) which Starbucks (in Japan at least) do a damn fine job of. A couple of those a day can wreak your total Cals/day as well as sneaking in some carbs. Best coffee style ever in my mind!
As I have commented to you in the past your food-diary discipline is exemplary. Not so mine over this period. But now back in a controlled situation I am back into my spreadsheet. I hope to establish the carb (CHO) level that I can tolerate before ketogenesis switches off by the following: am and pm finger-prick ketone levels, CHO/day as low as possible(~20g), fat-based calories at 80% or higher of intake, and total protein between 90 and 120g/day.