Last updated on April 12th, 2017
Actually, it was a long weekend, and I didn’t take it off from eating LCHF for the most part, but just from recording every morsel of intake.
Anita and I left for Nashville, TN, a week ago today. Nashville is famous for country music, but I was going there to attend a writer’s conference, and Anita was along to do some tourist stuff. I decided to give myself a break from the diet record-keeping.
I was still mindful about my eating. I tried to eat in moderation, and to keep the carbs down. That said, I had a couple notable splurges. They started with a slice of pumpkin cheesecake I devoured at a university luncheon we attended just before hitting the road last Wednesday, and continued through a dinner at a Mexican restaurant outside of Fort Wayne on Sunday night. Over the weekend, I also ate a slice of cornbread and half of a Dark Chocolate Premium Goo-Goo bar bought at the company’s store in Nashville. But on the positive side, I skipped lunch a couple days, and ate very low-carb for breakfast (though tempted by the biscuits with sausage gravy available every morning at our hotel).
I also did a lot of walking in Nashville, a lot of it up-hill. You’d think an equal amount of it would’ve been down-hill, but somehow it didn’t work out that way.
Currently, I weigh 213 pounds. That’s up two pounds from my last weigh-in before the trip. I’m OK with that. I did eat cheesecake, a Goo-Goo bar, and a half a basket of tortilla chips.
We returned home on Monday, and I picked up recording my food intake once again.