Last updated on August 4th, 2011
July 2011 was my first full month of blogging at Life After Carbs. The blog ended the month averaging 51 visits a day, a 40% increase over the June average.
The best day was July 2 when 134 visits were recorded. This was thanks to Jimmy Moore, who included Life After Carbs in his list of 50 new low-carb blogs to read over the holiday weekend. Indeed, a third of my visitors for the entire month of July came here via Jimmy’s Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb blog. (Note that I am returning the favor by linking back to Jimmy. I hope the influx of hits doesn’t over-whelm his server. Maybe you should take turns going over there.)
Fifty readers a day isn’t a lot, but it’s probably more than I’d get, say, nailing my articles to a tree.
Then, again, it might depend on the location of the tree, and what else was hanging from it.
Most of my visitors look at three or four pages while they’re here, and spend several minutes doing so. Close to half of you come back for another visit. Many return several times.
I am grateful and astounded.
I’ve blogged every day, but I won’t attempt to keep up that pace going forward. Aside from needing to devote more time to other work, such as the work I am paid to do, I also think I need to devote more time to some of my blog posts.
My plan for August is to post three times a week at a minimum: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday/Sunday. But I may also do some bonus posts on the other days.
(That would make this a bonus post. How lucky can you get? The first day, and you get a bonus!)
I’d like at least one post a week to be long and thoughtful. But I’ll settle for long.
Naturally, I’ll write with as much wit as ever, and with insights so penetrating as to cause physical pain. (I’ve often noticed when lecturing that my students seem to be in pain, and for them I now tone it down a bit.)
The question is, what to write about? What does the audience want?
Here were the five most popular posts for the month of July 2011:
- Great foods for a low-carb diet (part 1): almonds, avocados, macadamias July 5
- Road trip eating July 1
- Junk food smack down: pork rinds vs. potato chips July 11
- Blame it on hunger July 2
- A typical day in my life after carbs July 17
“Road trip eating” and “Blame it on hunger” benefited from being posted during the great Jimmy Moore stampede. The other three all focus on food and eating. This gives me the needed insight into my audience.
You’re all starving, aren’t you?
I enjoy reading your blog because you seem semi-reasonable and do it with a bit of humor. You are easy to read, in the sense that it is interesting, often thoughtful, and done with flare. I appreciate that you are willing to continue on a regular basis, I will keep following.
I think I’m at least two-thirds reasonable. But “easy to read” is my main goal.
I check here everyday as well, got you in my bookmark toolbar and I simply come here as I work my way through a few other LC sites that I enjoy. I can certainly understand, however, cutting back to a few posts a week rather than everyday. I would run out of ideas far sooner and would probably be repeating myself before long.
As you may recall, I found you at the Forum several weeks ago and have been visiting ever since.
Hope you stay with us, I am really enjoying your posts!
I found your blog from Jimmy’s site and I’m enjoying it very much. You always have interesting and thoughtful things to say, and I appreciate the fact that you post regularly. I check back daily for new posts now.
Happy to lead the stampede. 🙂